Channel: procrastinate_create
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Description: after not such a long time i am back with a new video~ this is one of my favorite spreads so far and i really hope you enjoy it too! please let me know if you would like to see more of these videos~ for a full spread (filled etc.) check out my instagram where i will post the finished spread next week~ --------------------------------------------------------------- ・i t e m s u s e d・ Leuchtturm1917 | Dotted A5 Notebook Faber-Castell | Grip 1345 0.5 Pigma Micron | Fineliners [01, 02, 03, 05] Zebra | Mildliners [Mild Green & Mild Red] Tombow | Dual Brush Pen [173, 761,723] Sakura | Koi Coloring Brush Pen [XBR#128 Ice Green] Pentel | Fude Touch Sign Brush [Gray & Black] Random Pictures & Stickers --------------------------------------------------------------- ・i n s t a g r a m・ --------------------------------------------------------------- ・m u s i c・ Ukiyo - Home - Facebook - Twitter - Soundcloud -